Long Island Aquarium’s Summer Adventure Days provides hands-on learning and full-on fun for children of all ages during school-year breaks and summer vacation. Long Island Aquarium’s Summer Adventure Days add interactive excitement to summer vacation. Separate programs provide age-appropriate learning and activities for children ages 3 – 16.
Please call 631.208.9200, ext. 426 for reservations, or click the Buy Now button below.
When: Weekly programs in July & August.
Ages: Programs for kids from 3-16.
Price: Varies based on program. Aquarium Members: Save 10%. There is a 3.5% discount for purchases made in cash.
Click here to download the camp paperwork.
Book by April 15th and Save 15%! Use Code: CAMP15 at check out (offers cannot be combined).
Adventure Days Summer 2025 Dates
Sea Squirt (ages 2 & 3)
Budding marine scientists will investigate the aquarium using their 5 senses to learn and understand the animals around us. We will explore the different textures, patterns and sounds of each group of animals, by touching and observing. Be ready to get wet as we romp through our interactive salt marsh (must be potty trained to participate in Salt Marsh). Craft activity each day. All-day Aquarium Admission included (for 1 parent and camper).
June 23-24 @ 9am-11:30am
$95 (Members Save 10%) *includes 1 parent/guardian
Sea Squirt Camp
Shark Bait (ages 4 & 5)
Days are filled with exciting hands-on activities, experiments, games and traditional summer camp activities to create the ultimate balance between education and entertainment. This is an experience your young scientist doesn’t want to miss. Craft activity each day. All-day Aquarium Admission included (for 1 parent and camper).
June 25-27 @ 9am-12pm
$155 (Members Save 10%) *includes 1 parent/guardian
Shark Bait Camp
Wild Wings! (ages 6-8)
This adventure will explore all the animals that fly through the air and those who swim in the sea from beetles to stingrays. You’ll meet a penguin and an owl and explore our bug laboratory. Venture down the Peconic River on the Atlantis Explorer Tour Boat and see animals in their natural habitats. Discover how bees pollinate and what plants will attract butterflies in your own yard.
June 30-July 4 @ 9am-3pm
$385 (Members Save 10%)
Wild Wings Camp
Ahoy Pirates! (ages 6-8)
Ahoy pirates! We will follow a treasure map of adventure and find all sorts of booty along the way. We’ll meet some common pirate pets, like our African grey parrot and uncover gems and jewels for our treasure chest at the J&J Mining Adventure. You’ll also take a ride on the Atlantis Explorer Tour Boat. Craft activity and snack are provided each day.
July 28-August 1 @ 9am-3pm
$385 (Members Save 10%)
Ahoy Pirates Camp
Catch Some Rays (ages 6-8)
This ray and shark-based experience for our younger shark enthusiasts will include feeding the Stingrays, Shark Jeopardy, and a ride on the Atlantis Explorer Tour Boat. Explore and learn about all our rays and sharks from egg to adult during our elasmobranch-themed adventure. Craft activity and snack are provided each day.
July 21-25 @ 9am-3pm
$385 (Members Save 10%)
Catch Some Rays Camp
Investi-Gators (ages 6-8)
Put on your thinking cap, and work to solve animal myths, mysteries and puzzles. Take a ride down the Peconic on the Atlantis Explorer Tour Boat and meet our reptiles up close and personal. Spend time in the Butterfly habitat and have a Bug Encounter. Craft activity and snack are provided each day.
August 4-8 @ 9am-3pm
$385 (Members Save 10%)
Investi-Gators Camp
‘Lil Naturalists (ages 6-8)
Our ‘Lil Naturalists will discover the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems of Long Island and beyond. Head down the Peconic River on the Atlantis Explorer Tour Boat and get up close and personal with our Critter Cart animals. Craft activity and snack are provided each day.
July 7-11 @ 9am-3pm
$385 (Members Save 10%)
‘Lil Naturalists Camp
Junior Scientists (ages 9-11)
Junior Scientists introduces your young scientist to fundamental concepts from a variety of scientific disciplines. Days are filled with exciting hands-on activities and experiments. Get behind the microscope to investigate the ins and outs of some of the smallest organisms. Get a new perspective while searching for creatures when snorkeling with our sharks and tropical fish at the Shark Reef Lagoon.
July 7-11 @ 9am-3pm
$400 (Members Save 10%)
Junior Scientists Camp
Naturalists (ages 9-11)
Does your child love nature, plants, animals, birds, bugs, butterflies and exploring the great outdoors? This camp will immerse your child in all thing’s nature. Activities include bird watching aboard the Atlantis Explorer Tour Boat, snorkeling at the Shark Reef Lagoon and hiking off-site. We will dive into the natural history of Long Island and understand the interconnectedness of life on Earth.
July 21-25 @ 9am-3pm
$425 (Members Save 10%)
Naturalists Camp
Animal Super Heroes (ages 8-10)
POW, BOOM, BAM. How can an octopus turn itself invisible in the blink of an eye? How can a frog grow claws like Wolverine? Explore the Aquarium and visit the Insect Lab and Preservatory to get a closer look at our many superheroes. Learn about wings while meeting with a penguin and owl. Take a ride on the Peconic River collecting specimens aboard the Atlantis Explorer Tour Boat. Snorkel with our rays and tropical fish at the Shark Reef Lagoon.
June 30-July 4 @ 9am-3pm
$400 (Members Save 10%)
Animal Super Heroes Camp
Shark Week (ages 9-11)
This experience is Jawsome! This shark-based camp includes watching a shark dissection, feeding our stingrays and a ride on the Atlantis Explorer Tour Boat. Activities and lessons will be based around our sharks and their adaptations, what they eat, where they live and more. Swim in the Shark Reef Lagoon and snorkel with our bamboo sharks, rays and tropical fish.
July 28-Aug 1 @ 9am-3pm
$400 (Members Save 10%)
Shark Week Camp
Zoology 101 (ages 9-11)
Explore the amazing world of animals and learn how they’re all connected! Dive into the different types of animals, how they move, eat, and live in their habitats. Get hands-on with fun activities to group animals and discover fascinating facts about their lifestyles. Plus, enjoy a special adventure learning about animals at the aquarium. Snorkel at the Shark Reef Lagoon and seine for fish on the Atlantis Explorer Tour Boat at this animal-based camp.
August 4-8 @ 9am-3pm
$400 (Members Save 10%)
Zoology 101 Camp
Sea Lion Scouts (ages 10-12)
Go behind the scenes and see what it takes to be a marine mammal trainer! Create enrichment toys for our fishing cat, watch a porcupine feeding, and pet a hedgehog. Smile Big for your Sea Lion Selfie and go on habitat for a private seal feed. You’ll take a trip on our Atlantis Explorer Tour Boat and participate in a special training session with an animal ambassador.
July 14-18 @ 9am-2pm
$410 (Members Save 10%)
Sea Lion Scouts Camp
Adventurers (ages 12-14)
Try out some of the most exciting adventures that the aquarium has to offer. Your adventurer will kayak down the Peconic River, climb the Rock Wall and explore the 60’ tall Eye Opener. They’ll Snorkel with sharks, rays and tropical fish at the Shark Reef Lagoon and for the ultimate thrill, end the week with a Dive into our 120,000-gallon Shark habitat!
July 14-18 @ 9am-3pm
$ 490 (Members Save 10%)
Adventurers Camp
FINtastic Jobs (ages 9-11)
Explore the incredible round-the-clock work being done from the many departments that make the aquarium the amazing place it is. We will investigate what it is like to be an aquarist, trainer, entomologist, and more through activities designed to show your children what it would be like to have a career at an aquarium. They’ll also snorkel with our sharks and tropical fish, make enrichment devices for our animals, and kayak down the Peconic River.
August 11-15 @ 9am-3pm
$440 (Members Save 10%)
FINtastic Jobs Camp
Junior Aquarist (ages 14-16)
Ever wonder what it is like to work at an aquarium? Have you ever wanted to go behind the scenes and see what it takes to care for thousands of animals? This program has campers talk to our fish department staff as they fill you in on their cool projects like breeding fish, propagating coral and how they keep all the tanks running. The junior aquarists will go on a collecting trip, seining for fish and specimens off-site. Campers will also help set up and learn how to care for an aquarium of their own.
August 11-15 @ 9am-3pm
$510 (Members Save 10%)
Junior Aquarist Camp
Please call for reservations. 631.208.9200, ext. 426 72-hour cancellation, within 72 hours, no refund – Aquarium credit only. There is a 3.5% discount for purchases made exclusively in cash.